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Email us at for guidance or help on any issue you may be experiencing. Or, visit us at the CalWORKs office (L-107) to get help in-person.
Book and Supply Requests
Ready to submit a Book/Supply Request? Review the procedures below to ensure you correctly complete the requet and are able to receive your books and supplies.
See Book Supply Request ProceduresBook & Supply Request Procedure
Please complete ALL sections of the Book/Supply Request. Incomplete requests will be returned.
Books and supplies requested must be for courses that are on your Educational Plan and required to meet your educational goal.
Indicate the name of the book or type of supplies requested. “Book” or “Supplies” will not be accepted.
GAIN will give you $35 each semester to cover basic supplies including writing materials, paper, and binders, with no receipt necessary. During summer/winter terms, you will need to list your supplies individually.
Any extra supplies needed will need to be itemized separately and labeled correctly.
Example: Backpack................................$25.00
Calculate your subtotal, taxes (9 %), and total.
Tax is not calculated on parking permits and fees.
GAIN requires we verify original receipts. Please bring originals, not photocopies.
Sign and date your form.
CalWORKs Work Study
Our program places students in part-time work-study positions throughout the campus. Work-Study also gives you the opportunity to enhance your job skills and gain valuable on-the-job training. Hours are often flexible, and the paychecks you make while working here will not affect your cash aid amount. If you're interested in a work study position, please contact the CalWORKs office.